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Keele University

Keele, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
+44 1782 621111

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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Applying to Keele

Completed forms can be sent by email or post to:

The Postgraduate Office
Keele University
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1782 584472
Fax: +44 (0)1782 632343

See below for courses where applications are not made through Keele.


For details of our entry requirements, see A Guide to Keele's Courses and the relevant course leaflet.

You should complete an application form (MS Word Format) and let us have two copies, together with two copies of additional documents which will confirm your qualifications (copies of certificates and transcripts). We will also need two references, from referees who can comment on your academic and professional work as appropriate. You may use a reference form which can be downloaded here (MS Word format).

An application form (PDF) and an equal opportunities form (PDF) may also be downloaded in Adobe PDF format if you prefer to write your application manually and post it to us. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free from Adobe from the link below.

Get Acrobat Reader

The application form will require the following information:

. relevant qualifications and results to date, including copies of certificates and transcripts where possible
. details of any courses you are completing at the time the application is submitted - if you are currently completing an undergraduate degree or equivalent and have transcripts of your progress, please submit these with your application
. where appropriate, details of employment and professional experience
. a personal statement demonstrating clearly why you are applying for the course, the nature of your interest in it, and what benefits you expect to gain
. the names of two referees and from each of these a reference placed in a sealed envelope with the signature of the referee across the seal (a reference form is available for this purpose and may be used to provide a reference, although its use is not required)

You will also be asked to complete a separate form indicating your ethnicity and any disability. This is for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring and will not be taken into account in making any academic decisions on your application.

You can complete and send an application form online but you must post, fax or email copies to us of transcripts and certificates. We can accept emailed references submitted from the referee's email address only, which must be from a corporate or academic domain (eg and not from a free email account. All applications should be sent to the Postgraduate Office.

Please note that we cannot acknowledge receipt of applications.

There is no closing date for applications, with one exception, as follows. For international applicants for Neuromusculoskeletal Healthcare there is an applications closing date of 30 June 2007, and we will only consider applications from applicants who meet all conditions of entry to the course and supply all their relevant documentation to us by 31 July 2007. Forms may be submitted at any time during the year. However, we advise that applications for courses that start in September should, if possible, be made by the end of March. If you would wish to live on campus it is particularly important that you apply early. If you apply later than one month before the start of your intended course, we cannot guarantee that all the paperwork will be completed by the start date.

Processing Applications

If you are required to submit written work or attend an interview, you will receive notification of this from the Academic School. You should note that the processing of your application might be delayed if you do not send two references with your application form or if the information on your form is incomplete. Once a decision has been reached, we will advise you whether or not it has been possible to offer you a place. Sometimes our offer of a place is conditional upon performance in examinations that you still have to take - this could include English Language tests. Offers may also be conditional on receipt of references, or receipt of confirmatory certificates or transcripts.

The offer of a place carries no implication that the University will provide financial assistance and is subject to your agreement to observe the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University. If you accept our offer you will be understood to have given such an agreement. Please also read the small print section on the inside back cover of this Application Guide. If you have declared a disability on your equal opportunities monitoring form, and if we make you an offer of a place, then we will inform our Disability Services Co-ordinator who will contact you to discuss your support needs with you.

Pre-Arrival Information

Once you have accepted the unconditional offer of a place at Keele, or met the conditions of any offer, then you will be sent pre-arrival information by the Postgraduate Office. We will start to send this out in July 2007 for students starting their course in the following September. In addition, your School will contact you about starting your course and any preparations you need to make. Some Schools ask students to arrive early, and the actual start date of your course will be determined by your School. It should also be shown on your offer letter. The actual date of your arrival will also be affected by whether you are taking any pre-sessional English Language courses and whether you are attending the Postgraduate Induction Week for International Students. (See section on English Language.)

Courses Where Applications are Not Made Through Keele

1 Applications for some professional courses are made through a national central admissions system. If you wish to apply for these courses you should contact the following:

Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE)

Contact: Graduate Teacher Training Registry (GTTR)

MA in Social Work

Contact: Universities and Colleges
Admissions Service (UCAS)

Common Professional Exam in Law (CPE)

Contact: CPE Central Applications Board

2 The MSc course in Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology is run jointly by the Universities of
Keele, Manchester and Salford, and all applications are handled by Salford. You may obtain details of the
course from the Keele Postgraduate Office, but application forms should be obtained from, and sent to, Salford:

Mrs Margot Sullivan
Admissions and Information Officer
School of Environment and Life Sciences
University of Salford
Salford Crescent
M5 4WT
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)161 295 2141
Tel: 0161 295 5525 Fax: 0161 295 5015

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